Founding Females™ Startup Community

A supportive community for women starting businesses


A space for transformation

We’re a community of peers who understand what a huge life step it is to start your business, who will totally understand your can’t-eat, can’t-sleep excitement, fears, challenges and wins.

Together, we support one another through starting the successful businesses you dream of.

A community to grow with

Without a group of peers to ask questions and find support, building a business can feel lonely and daunting.

The Founding Females™ Startup Community was designed to gather women starting businesses to pass along guidance, share wins, and gain business insight from one another.

Business mentorship to ask questions

The Founding Females™ Startup Community is mentored by Dream, Build, Grow author Francie Hinrichsen and her team. Members can ask questions directly to Francie and one another about the process of starting a business.

The community follows concepts discussed in Dream, Build, Grow and is designed for entrepreneurs working toward “proof of concept,” meaning the milestone where a business achieves regular, consistent customer transactions.



What’s inside?

  • Active conversation about building a business for you to browse or chime in

  • Peer-to-peer access, so you can connect with others on the same journey to build a business

  • Space to ask questions about challenges along your journey (knowing at least one other person has had the same question!)