Frequently Asked Questions

Will Dream, Build, Grow help me learn how to start a business?

Yes! Dream, Build, Grow: A Female’s Step-by-Step Guide for How to Start a Business takes you through what you should be considering at the very onset of dreaming up your business idea.

The guided journal takes readers through basics, like choosing a legal entity, researching your best fit customer, validating your offering, forecasting startup costs and a monthly budget, and exploring financing options…along with teaching you about business decisions along the way.

The female business book then guides you though creating the framework for your business, like selecting your team of advisors, building your marketing plan, creating your online presence, and putting together a business plan.

Finally, you’ll put together a detailed business launch schedule, learn strategies for increasing your business’s profit, and understand how to scale your business.

Dream, Build, Grow: A Female’s Step-by-Step Guide for How to Start a Business is the business handbook you’re looking for!

What is Dream, Build, Grow about?

Dream, Build, Grow: A Female’s Step-by-Step Guide for How to Start a Business is a guided journal teaching women business savvy while they create their business.

The how-to guide has six phases:

  1. Clarify. Articulate your dream and connect it to who you are as a human being.

  2. Research. Dive into purposeful research to better understand how your business will fit into the bigger business ecosystem of its niche industry, meet the needs of your potential customers, and impact your own life as a business owner.

  3. Build. Create the core framework of your business—what it is, what it isn’t, and how it will function.

  4. Launch. Introduce your vision to the world and create the runway for your business’s success. 

  5. Profit. Learn and implement the strategies successful businesses leverage to create the maximum profit margin possible. 

  6. Scale. Make the strategic shift from incremental growth to an influx of growth using fewer resources. 

Who was Dream, Build, Grow written for?

Dream, Build, Grow: A Female’s Step-by-Step Guide for How to Start a Business was written for three types of women:

DIY Dolly - Dolly has a dream on her heart to start a business. Perhaps she’s taken a few steps forward in the process. She’s knee deep in research and excited about this new business journey. Dolly hasn’t generated any sales, or hasn’t generated enough sales to consider the business “sustainable.”

Passionate Pearl - Pearl has generated enough sales to consider the business “sustainable,” though she’s wearing many hats in her business as the revenue producer and the administrative personnel. Pearl is focused on building her customer base, improving internal systems for efficiency, and developing brand awareness.

Full-Scale Fiona - Fiona is a powerhouse. She fills the CEO roll of her business and is incredibly savvy through experience and lessons learned.

The book guides DIY Dolly to grow into Passionate Pearl, and then again into Full-Scale Fiona.

Where can I purchase Dream, Build, Grow?

Click to purchase Dream, Build, Grow: A Female’s Step-by-Step Guide for How to Start a Business now. The book will be available on Amazon and major retailers in early Summer 2022.

What is Founding Females™ and how is is connected to Dream, Build, Grow?

Founding Females™ is a movement created by Francie Hinrichsen with the mission to inspire women to create businesses of impact. There, our goal is to provide resources to accomplish three things:

  1. Radically unify women with the goal of building businesses

  2. Help women create financial independence

  3. Rewrite the playbook so women can build businesses on their own terms.

Dream, Build, Grow: A Female’s Step-by-Step Guide for How to Start a Business is the “how to start a business” playbook Francie wishes she had when starting her marketing business in Spring of 2015, and later when building her second business, an ecommerce company in Fall of 2016.

For more information, click to learn about Founding Females™.

What is the Founding Females™ Startup Community?

Without a group of peers to ask questions and find support, building a business can feel lonely and daunting. The Founding Females™ Startup Community was designed to gather women starting businesses to pass along guidance, share wins, and gain business insight from one another.

The community is mentored by Dream, Build, Grow author Francie Hinrichsen and members can ask questions directly to Francie and one another about the process of starting a business.

The community follows concepts discussed in Dream, Build, Grow and is designed for entrepreneurs working toward “proof of concept,” meaning the milestone where a business achieves regular, consistent customer transactions.

What is the Founding Females™ Mastermind Community?

The Founding Females™ Mastermind is the sister to the Founding Females™ Startup Community. It was designed for women business owners who have reached “proof of concept,” meaning the milestone where a business achieves regular, consistent customer transactions.

Inside the mastermind, members meet for live discussions twice a month and discuss challenges more commonly faced by women whose businesses have been refined over time, such as profit strategies, adding multiple revenue streams, transitioning into a CEO role rather than a revenue producer, and scaling operations.

Click to apply for the Founding Females Mastermind.

Is the Founding Females™ Resource Suite free?

Yes. 100% free. You’ll gain the most out of the Resource Suite when you have read Dream, Build, Grow: A Female’s Step-by-Step Guide for How to Start a Business. That’s because the resources available in the Resource Suite are available and explained thorough in the book. The Resource Suite is available as a convenience for readers who prefer electronic versions of the resources.

What makes this book different from others?

Dream, Build, Grow: A Female’s Step-by-Step Guide for How to Start a Business is different from traditional books for a few reasons. First, many business books tell you what to do, but not how to do it. Dream, Build, Grow was written to help female business owners understand why to make certain decisions so they can gain business acumen through the new process of building a business.

Second, Dream, Build, Grow is a journal-style, so you can write your thoughts and plans as you move through the process. The process of building your business while you learn how to do it should be one in the same. This helps you actively create your business as your mind is transforming into that of a business owner.

How long does it take to work through Dream, Build, Grow?

That depends on many factors. Someone with the time and determination could move through the book in as quickly as a week. Others may need to or prefer to take weeks or even months.

The option that fits you best is correct.

What’s inside Dream, Build, Grow?

This journal-style “how to start a business” book for women is full of real life examples, plenty of space to document your dreams, decisive advice on the “how” (not just the “what”) in starting a business, and encouragement to believe you can do this.

Is Dream, Build, Grow for business beginners?

Dream, Build, Grow is intended to help beginners become seasoned veteran business owners. At the same time, someone who has already built a business will find great clarity in understanding the business building decision making process, all written from a female’s perspective for her fellow business building sisters.

Can men benefit from reading Dream, Build, Grow?

Of course, but they must be ready to pack the punch with Girl Power inspiration and stories women can absolutely relate to.


Ready to purchase Dream, Build, Grow: A Female’s Step-by-Step Guide for How to Start a Business by Francie Hinrichsen?